A growing challenge.
This Bright Paper marked a point of divergence from the preceding editorials in more ways than one. Brand standards and layout adjustments aside — the discussion focussing in on a disease such as cancer created a much heavier and more emotionally charged edition than those previous. Fraud, Healthy Lifestyles, Mental Health. None of these past topics seemed to carry the same level of emotional energy as this deep dive into the effects of cancer.
This presented to me a unique opportunity in that, for once, Sun Life Financial’s traditional optimism and bright tone felt a little out of place. The photos of happy families smiling, the liberal use of Sun Life’s trademark Pantone® 124 C yellow, the playful use of sun iconography — they all felt just a tad inappropriate for this particular instance. I really wanted to do this publication justice and reflect the solemnity of the disease within the design while retaining the reader’s interest and remaining engaging, inviting and informative.
I shelved the secondary and tertiary brand colour palettes (blues, greens, violets etc.) and instead opted for a strictly muted colour scheme, leaning heavily into greys, charcoals and limited use of Sun Life’s famous yellow. I relied on desaturated images throughout that feature characters in an introspective light in an attempt to highlight their struggle with the disease, but also reinforce to the reader that they are not alone in their struggle.